ETS Principles are a blend of all these at the company
Our principles are the value we hold, the behavior we embrace, the spirit we champion and the leadership we expect. All this inspire our actions and guide us in difficult times. Above all it personifies our desire to make the world a better place to live.
Do the right thing Do what is right, not what is easy
Trust your instincts Intuitions don't lie
Think Big It's free
Empower and Inspire Be passionate, direct and trustworthy.
Disagree and Commit Listen with attention, think before you speak and put your point in place.
Collaborate Go far.....Go Together
Do what you say you will do Be accountable
Be Curious Anybody can have an idea
Lead by example No task is beneath you
Act with integrity Live and lead for others, not just for yourself
Speak where to Go, but not How to go The results will amaze you.
Be decisive Leadership is all about making the right move in the most uncertain situation.
Be Objective Know the facts right before you act.
Be Respectful If you are born with the golden spoon use it to treat others. You will get it back. Treat others as you want to be treated.
Be Frugal Frugality breeds resourcefulness.
Be self-critical You are never as right as you think you are!