RFID technology was adapted by Indian Army Supply base in MP. as a measure to enhance the security and automate the movement of authorized vehicles in the campus. Supply unit of Indian Army is responsible for sourcing and storage of daily supplies which are further distributes to various army base of the region. As one of the prime units of defense establishment in central India, supply depot caters to the ration needs of more than 50 plus commands within the state and also fulfill the deficit demands of other states in case of emergency
SRCASW (Shaheed Rajguru College of Applied Sciences for Women) is one of the first institutes under the prime Delhi University brand that has taken the initiative to adopt RFID Technology for its Central Library. The library has a wide collection of 25000 books and journals and caters to the need of 1500 students of the institute. With more than 500 plus book transactions on a peak day, the institute needs a system to automate its manual issue – return process and enhance the safety of books in the Library
Michelin is one the most prominent names in the the Automotive Tyre industry across the Globe. The tyres are well known for their performance and premium quality. To cater the growing demand of tyres, Michelin was looking for a system which could automate their inventory processing mechanism and keeps a track of tyre lots with their location and dispatch details.
Levis is one of the most trusted names in the denim industry in India and across the globe. They have more than 200 stores in India and caters to the need of 1 million enrolled customers with loyalty cards. As a measure to provide best and value added services to its loyal customers, Levis felt the need for adoption of RFID technology integrated with CCTV surveillance and people counting system in their stores.
DLF is one of the leading real estate company in India. They have built some of the best landscapes projects which houses millions of families. From Residential projects to commercials…the list is endless. DLF residents use a multi purpose smart card which provides them access in their block building, facilities in society clubs and even access to their vehicles to entre of exit from the main gate. The card can be recharged and hence used as a payment source for accessing facilities in the club. It enhances visitor security of the building by allowing only authorized users to entre / exit from the premises. Guards/ sweepers / drivers, contractual labour are issued temporary cards.
One of the most prestigious institute in India – IIT Kanpur is the first in the row to adopt dual authentication security system with RFID technology for movement tracking of resident vehicles in the campus. The system consists of 2 components – a tag pasted on the windshield and a RFID card which becomes the secondary verification element. Readers installed at the entry /exit gate reads through a distance of 15 mt and if both the ID’s (Tag & Card) match, boom barrier operates allowing free passage of vehicle. The portable smart card can be simply removed and put inside the wallet to deactivate the windshield tag
Bhushan steels implemented RFID technology to automate its weighbridge and fleet movement within the manufacturing plant at Odhisa. The system has been integrated with CCTV surveillance cameras to capture the number plate and loaded material in the fleets which arrive to pick and deliver the finished and raw material from various vendors. Automatic weight is captured in SAP software along with images as soon as the fleet reaches the weighbridge. RFID cards and tags are issued to the drivers to map their entry and exit timings from the manufacturing plant. Installation of UHF based RFID system has helped the organisation to organize & centralize the traffic movement of large fleets in and around the plant.
Hyundai has more than 500+ service stations and repair workshops catering to 2 million customers annually. In order to speed up the vehicle handover process at service workshops, the company has implemented RFID system wherein RFID tags / cards are pasted on the windshield of the vehicle and handheld readers are used to track the service history, last date of visit, material changed / repaired, billing, details of customers etc. The system enables fast and quick processing of service right from the time car is handed over at workshop till the time of delivery to the customer. The data is centrally processed and used for report generation, analytics and actions to improve work efficiency.
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